Scare tape

Predator Guard Scare Tape – Bird Repellent Tape Scares Birds & Daytime Predators From Gardens, Docks, Boats & More – Highly Effective Deterrent, Easy Installation, No Maintenance Required!
USED BY FARMERS & PROPERTY OWNERS AROUND THE WORLD – Predator Guard Scare Tape frightens birds and other daytime predators and keeps them far away from your gardens, crops, property, boats & docks.
  • SCARE TAPE USES VISUAL AND SOUND EFFECTS TO SCARE BIRDS AND OTHER ANIMALS AWAY – Visual Deterrent: material shimmers and shines in the sunlight, reflecting light in all directions and disorienting nuisance birds & animals. Sound Deterrent: Scare Tape creates a metallic noise as it flaps in the wind, adding an additional threatening sound to keep pest birds & animals away

  • SIMPLE, EFFECTIVE, LONG-LASTING – Easy to install – tie 3′ strips to poles or stakes, hang from rafters, wrap around plants – install in any area with access to light &/or wind
  • HUMANE, ECO-FRIENDLY – SCARE TAPE is proven to help wildlife and pest bird populations by causing them to migrate to more natural habitat areas where they are free from harm.
  • GUARANTEED PROTECTION FROM DAMAGE CAUSED BY BIRDS AND WILD ANIMALS – 2 inch x 100 foot roll covers 4000 square feet of area

    My Review:
    Disclaimer: No matter how many rolls of this scare tape you drape through the front yard…it will not scare the  in laws away; trust me I really wanted it to!
    We live in the country and critters are always in our yard and garden.  We have several fruit trees including apples,plums, peaches, nectarines,and cherries.  Every year it is an uphill battle to keep the animals from getting the fruit.  I have tried lots of things and nothing has worked.  I really don’t want them to be scared off the property; just keep them away from my stuff. 
    As you can see from my photo, I have added several long ribbons of this to my trees and it has worked so well.  I just took my hole punch and made a hole at the top and ran some thin twine through it and attached it to the branches. Usually the low apples are eaten by the deer as soon as they start to ripen.  We haven’t lost any fruit so far this year. As for the garden, I weaved some though the tomato cages and it worked perfectly!   The cherry tree was full of cherries and not birds for the first time in years! 
    The ribbon is very heavy duty so It will most likely last a couple years on the tree before needing to be replaced.  It really twirls well in the breeze and does its job.  The roll comes with a lot of the scare tape so you will be set for quite awhile.

    I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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