Brilliant HD – Deluxe Teeth Whitening Kit

Brilliant HD – Deluxe Teeth Whitening Kit

Removes decades worth of stains from your teeth in a few easy-to-do treatments
  • Provides dental-grade, professional strength teeth whitening results in as little as 15 minutes
  • Made in the USA in a certfied facility by dental professionals
  • Uses the same dental-grade Carbamide Peroxide that dentists use; Gel is enamel-safe.
  • Heat-molded trays fit perfectly to your mouth, making this no-hassle at home teeth whitening experience both affordable and better than teeth whitening strips

    Important Information

    Safety Information
    By purchasing this product you assume the responsibility and free all distributors, manufacturers, and affiliates from any liability associated with using this teeth whitening system. Before use, please check with your dentist. Do not use this or any teeth-whitening product if you are pregnant or lactating. Do not use this product if you have any medical conditions that may affect your mouth. If you have a history of allergic reactions to peroxides, do not use this product. A temporary side effect of tooth sensitivity or mild tissue irritation may occur, but usually subsides within one to two days. Avoid drinks that contain citrus and very hot/cold drinks during the first 24 – 48 hours of use. If you experience any adverse reactions stop using this product immediately and consult with a dental or medical professional.

    Read and follow product labels for more information. Distributed by NuNutrients

    Propylene Glycol, Kosher Glycerine, Carbamide Peroxide, Hydrogen Peroxide

    Whitening Gel Application Instructions (Clear Gel) A small drop (the size of a small bead) placed in each tooth indentation of both mouth trays should cover the surface of your teeth while avoiding contact with the gums. The gel drop should be placed towards the lower half of each indentation to cover the outside surfaces of your teeth. Spread the gel evenly across each indentation while avoiding contact with the gums. Be careful not to overload the tray with gel in order to minimize potential sensitivity. For full instructions read the printed instructions on the box.

    My Review:
    I have had my teeth whitened at the dentist several years ago and I remember my gums being sore and my teeth super sensitive.  I also remember the high price quite well. 
    I was given the opportunity to try and review the brilliant HD kit and so far I really like it.
    The kit comes with everything you need to safely whiten at home…the kit uses the same dental-grade Carbamide Peroxide that dentists use and Gel is enamel-safe.  In as little as 15 min. you can start to see results.
    I love that this is easy to use as well as gentle.  I didn’t get the sore gums like I did when I had it done at the dentist.  I did have very minor tooth sensitivity, but nothing that was very bothersome.
    The overall results are great, my teeth are much whiter and look amazing!

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