Best Pet Stain Remover & Odor Eliminator:

Best Pet Stain Remover & Odor Eliminator: Professional Industrial Strength Remover & Neutralizer of Urine Smell! Safe on Carpet, Litter Boxes and Upholstery! Easy Spray. Home, Office, Boat and Car Protected. Child Safe & No Animal Testing! Ironclad Guarantee. Vet approved.|urine stain|pet deodorizer|pet stain|carpet cleaner|hamster cage odor|upholstery cleaner|upholstery stain remover|carpet cleaner|rug cleaner|spot remover|urine stain remover|carpet stain remover


Brought to you by the son of a vet who, when growing up in the clinic, always was asked about how the clinic smelled so nice considering there were over 100 dogs and cats through there daily. The product used was only for vets and groomers. This provided a great inspiration for Pet Peeve.

  • Your search for a pet odor & stain eliminator that WORKS is over! When you pick up a bottle (or 3) of our professional strength stain and odor remover your house guests will once again love you! You will love the little rabbit on there indicating that we do NOT test on critters. We made the bottle heavy-duty as well so if you take it camping, on the boat or RV it shouldn’t break open. Now the fun part. Head over to that stain, you know the one that caused you to look up a product to remove it and just follow the directions on the bottle to make it disappear like it never even happened. Let the bio enzymes (we know you don’t care what these little guys are as long as they work) do their job.
  • As Pet Peeve goes to work removing the stain AND the smell of your family pet, one of the things we wanted to make sure of was that your home smells awesome when it is done, not like another urine cake, so we added a spring laundry room fragrance. We have really put our heart and souls into creating the best pet odor eliminator you will find anywhere.
  • It is because of everything we have done behind the scenes that we are able to make a guarantee unlike any other you have seen for a pet deodorizer here on Amazon. It is BETTER than a money back guarantee! It is 100% money back with a little used or the whole bottle. So, your wait is over. Order now and consider grabbing a few bottles for your car, boat, office or even your in-laws!
  • My Review:
  • Nothing is worse than walking into someones house and all you smell is there pets…  We have 2 great Danes and I always worry about other people smelling them in my house.  They have never had any “accidents” in the house and I always get them groomed, but they just have that wet dog smell to them.  Since coming across this stink remover, I have really put it to work on my house and garage.  I sprayed down both of our dogs beds and they smell so fresh now.  I love that it doesn’t mask the smell, but actually eliminates it.  A week later and it still smells great!  I have found many other uses for this as well, garbage cans, outdoor furniture, carpet,rugs, boat,the car etc.  You don’t have to have a pet to find a use for this Amazing product!

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    I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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